Monday, October 5, 2009

A Pharisee, an Israelite and two blind beggars

Days 31-32 reading assignment
Exodus 12:14-15:18
Matthew 20:29-21:46
Psalm 25:16-26:12
Proverbs 6:12-19

The title really wasn't meant to sound like the beginning of a bad joke but wow where to begin?

1)  I am becoming completely fed up with the Israelites in Exodus as well as the Pharisees in Matthew.  Firstly can we offer those Hebrews a nice goat cheese with that whine?  I hope I am not being disrespectful to God when I picture Him pacing around with His fingers in His ears repeating "lalalalala," to drown the drone of the faithless, whining, and complaining of their collective voice.

2) And then there are the religiously wretched Pharisees who remind me of the s-s-s-slithering s-s-s-snake in the movie The Jungle book.  They demanded to know where Jesus got His authority.  They didn't really want an answer to their question, they only wanted to trap Him.
 I read a comment from a reader that said;  " many of us listen only for what we WANT to hear, then complain when we don't hear exactly that?"  The application in my bible read; 'The Pharisees wanted the truth only if it supported their own views and causes."  Hmmm.

3) In Matthew 20 there is a story of the blind beggars who could see that Jesus was the Messiah, while the religious leaders who witnessed Jesus' miracles were blind to His identity, refusing to open their eyes to the truth.  The application reads; "Seeing with your eyes doesn't guarantee seeing with your heart."

As usual when I get really disgusted with the people who got to see the miracles first-hand, there's usually a cold slap in the face waiting for me just around the corner.  Like when I was rolling my eyes in Ex 13 because God couldn't take the Israelites on the shortest route out of Egypt because if the people were faced with battle they might turn back to Egypt.  Really?  Are they that faithless and stupid to walk back into slavery?  But then how many times have I repeated the same bad choice only to have the consequence take me back into slavery?  How many times have I turned my problems over to God only to jerk them back and continue to worry over them because I lacked faith?  Again with the application: If God doesn't lead you along the shortest path to your goal, don't complain or resist.  Follow Him willingly and trust Him to lead you safely around unseen obstacles.  He can see the end of your journey from the beginning and He knows the safest and best route.

I was especially disgruntled when God gave the Hebrews the pillars of cloud and fire.  These I learned were examples of theophany: God appearing in a physical form....GOD APPEARING IN A PHYSICAL FORM!  I read the application on these verses, it went like this: "God gave the Hebrews these 'pillars' so they would know day and night God was with them on their journey to the promised land.  What has God given us so that we can have the same assurance?  The Bible -- something the Israelites did not have."  I have had a Bible in my home for my entire life.  Count 'em folks 54 years.  I am a rabid reader of books.  My books make my husband crazy.  When I am having a bad day I don't buy shoes, I buy books.  The greatest invention of all times was Starbucks inside Barnes and Noble.  I can kill two vices with one stone.  In my book collection are many bibles.  Oh I read the passages required for a Bible study, but until now I have NEVER read the Bible.  It's kind of like when I bought the entire collection of Billy Blanks Kickboxing videos.  I proceeded to lie on my couch and watch them and then complain I never lost a pound.  Oh you actually have to participate?  What a concept.  I profess contentment and turn right around and complain about a discomfort or an inconvenience.  I can ask God for answers and whine and cry because I didn't get the answer I wanted.  I can keep God's fingers in His ears all by myself thank you.

 I am a Pharisee.  I am the faithless whining Israelite.  But I hope to be a blind beggar who sees with her heart when I grow up.

1 comment:

  1. "I hope to be a blind begger who see's with her heart when she grows up"
    THAT, is inspiring-----of course, the truth always is.......................
