Thursday, October 29, 2009

Born to Serve

Days 56 and 57 reading assignment:
Leviticus 16:29-20:21
Mark 7:24-8:38
Psalm 41:1- 42:11
Proverbs 10:15-17

Besides preferring my funny side, my husband Brent likes it best when these posts are about him.  He constantly reminds me that it is, indeed, all about him.  After twenty-six years I fully understand the real truth in his remarks, no matter how hard he tries to pretend to only be teasing.

I take full responsibility for this monster I have created.  As the youngest of six siblings my servant internship started very early.  "Cindy change the channel."  "Cindy get the ice cream."  "Oh don't get up, Cindy can get it."  Yes I was born to serve, be it involuntary submission or sheer ignorance, I was born to serve.
My friend Jane said I reminded her of the All in the Family character, Edith Bunker, who was always hurrying to the needs of her Archie.  Archie was always perched comfortably in his favorite chair and waiting impatiently for Edith to place the can of beer in his hand at the end of his hard day.  My Brent also likes to be all comfy and cozy on the couch.  When he hears me in the kitchen he is so sure that I am procuring a snack for him, that when I attempt to surprise him, there he sits with his back to me, right arm outstretched, palm up, to alert me to just leave the dish in his hand...quietly, so as not to disturb his movie.  Does it cross my mind to invert the dish on his head?  Almost always but that would mean a mess for me to clean up as well.  All of this said, I ultimately know who Brent is and how he misbehaves is the direct result of choices I made long ago.  A choice to love and because of that love, to serve as well, even in the midst of obnoxious behavior. :o)

The Bible is chocked full of verses on serving.  These words of wisdom refer to serving the poor and serving the unlovable and ultimately serving without getting anything in return.  It is easy to serve my comedienne husband, and my family.  From them I get so much in return.  I think God gives us our loves to practice on.  But then he expects us to take it on out there and use it, expecting nothing in return.  We are called to serve the people He puts in our lives.  Beating our egos into submission, He expects us to be the foot washers rather than the feet being washed.  It is important to put the dish in that demanding outstretched hand even if we believe the dish belongs inverted on the head.  Why?  Because God is the creator of love.  He is love and ultimately because He loves us.....even in the midst of our own obnoxious behavior.


  1. Yeah, but I'm real funny when i do it, and the boy does it too. Love you

  2. Yes your bad example has become the legacy you hand off to the generations after you more :o)
