Monday, October 19, 2009

Help I'm Complaining and I Can't Stop!

Days 45-47 reading assignment:
Leviticus 1:1-3:17
Matthew 28:1-20
Mark 1:1-2:12
Psalm 34:11-35:28
Proverbs 9:9-18

For whatever reason, I don't get out much anymore.  In fact I go to town so rarely I find I am easily overwhelmed by the busyness of it all.  The crowds and smells and noise is almost too much.  My family thinks I'm kidding when I say I wish Safeway would get a clothing line.

I'm getting a lot of old ladyisms too.  Is it just me or is every store manager, policeman, gas station attendant and doctor twelve years old?  I get grouchy when these people are ...well... stupid.   I ran an errand for my sister-in-law. It should have been a quick trip to Penney's.  But when I got there the catalogue guy sent me up to the shoe department who sent me back to the catalogue guy.  Not once but twice I did this.  Finally the first guy, excuse me, 'Sales Representative',  I spoke with finally punched information into a computer and BINGO!  There was all the information he needed to get me on my way within one minute. I was there for an hour.  And don't even get me started on my experience with the local car dealership.  Let me just say we won't be buying locally. And what is it with the people walking to and from their cars in the Costco parking lot?  Is nobody aware of the multitudes trying to get around them?  I sat there idling today while person after person heaved their consumer laden carts, not quite on the side-walk and not completely out of my bump range.  It's infuriating!

  I went to the Farmer's Market with my daughters earlier this summer on a very specific tamale expedition.  We hunted down our favorite vendor, the one with the chicken chile tamales.  She was sold out but the guy across the way had a nice spinach and cream cheese tamales.  SPINACH AND CREAM CHEESE?....IN A TAMALE!  Is nothing sacred?  I actually got mad.  I got mad because some poor misguided person actually thought spinach/cream cheese tamales would be a good idea.  "The Tamales of What's Happening Now" kind of mentality.  My girl's threatened to send me to the car if I didn't stop with the ranting, so I ate one.  Okay it wasn't horrible but I was still very disappointed.  I don't like this about myself, feeling all crochety and impatient.  But are basic manners no longer a criteria in the customer service handbook?  Is the customer never right anymore?  When exactly did our standards drop so low?  And last but not least, do these arrogant pip squeak car salesmen think I was born yesterday?(We did do all our communication over the phone after-all.)

Evidently the answers to those questions are unimportant.  The question in my reading today asked: "Do you treat every person you meet as though he were Jesus?".......................ouchie

-Nobody can be so amusingly arrogant as a young man who has just discovered an old idea and thinks it's his own-
                                               Sydney J Harris


  1. Ditto Ouch! But it just me or if you had sent one of your beautiful daughters on the same expedition would not the results been completely different. Every twelve year old along the way would have been tripping over themselves to accomadate their need. Sadly we are becoming invisible.

  2. woops...You know what I hate??? When grumpy old men accost me in the parking lot and tell me what a bad driver I I don't already know and like their gestures are going to change how I drive!!! Uhhh...don't think I quite treated him like Jesus...thanks for making me feel even worse:):)

  3. How about sitting in a dostor's office anywhere's from an hour to an hour & a half past your appt. & they can't even say they are sorry or come out & tell you they are running behind for the one billionth time. Then you get the BILL.I have had a notion years ago to send them a bill when my kids were screaming in pain the whole time. Vicki
