Tuesday, November 3, 2009

This Little (eensy weensy) Light of Mine...I'm Gonna Let it Shine

Day 62 reading assignment:
Leviticus 27:14-Numbers1:54
Mark 11:1-26
Psalm 46:1-11
Proverbs 10:23

We went out last Saturday for an evening of tricks and treats with the kids.  Oh golly is that judgement I'm hearing again?  Did we partake in that pagan ritual of celebrating Halloween?....Yes we dressed these little people as super heroes and took a leisurely stroll on a beautiful evening.  But there was no celebration of anything wicked or dark, and the joy on our little guy's faces over-rides anybody elses disappointment with what may be construed as a poor choice for someone calling themselves a Christian...so there!

This is four year old Sawyer's first year to really get excited about those traditional days and his enthusiasm is contagious.  He is such a funny kid and so quick to get over-the-top excited.  We had to stay close to him though as we taught him the drill of;
Step one: Ring the doorbell, no do not open the door and just walk in.
Step two: Say "Trick or Treat!"...no, wait until they actually open the door                                          before you say it.
Step three: Say "thank you."
Sawyer was so excited that when the door was opened he would just shout "TRICKERTREAT!"  And at every single house without fail, the door would no sooner close and our little "Andy Autistic" practicer of all things repetitious, would turn to me and say, "Gwammuh can we go to the second house now?"  He couldn't have cared less what was being put in his bag (which is good because he couldn't eat it anyway).  He just wanted to go on to the 'second house' and repeat the drill all over again.  After every single house I would reassure him with my own word-for-word rendition, that yes we could do it again at the 'second house.'

 I wondered if this is what we do to God, whether it be the repetition of our prayers, or when we ask again and again for forgiveness of the same sin, just needing to be reassured...again that yes He did indeed forgive us.  Or even in the everyday way we ask for material things masked as a "practical need."

I find myself asking for wisdom, guidance, clarity.  But what I really want is for this big crystal ball to drop down and show me our prayer answered, trouble free future.  Something dropped down and hit me today, and while  it wasn't that literal crystal ball,  it was clarity of some kind.  The reference is made through out the Bible, that God is "light."  Today I realized that it doesn't say God is a spotlight-although I am sure I do remember some reference about a beacon....oh well it doesn't matter.  What came today in the form of some kind of clarity was an analogy that got me humming that song from Sunday school; "This Little Light of Mine."  And let me say it's getting annoying because I can't get it out of my head.  It's like 99 Bottles of Beer on the Wall or the theme song to It's a Small World at Disneyland...it won't go away.  I digress.  My point is that when we walk out in the darkness with a small light, we are able to see just where our steps are going.  We can't see three miles down the road.  I think this is how God reveals our walk with him.  Little bits at a time.  We can get all unravelled about the unknown things down the road.  But when He says to me, "Are you okay right now?"  and "Are your needs met for today?"  I have to take a deep breath and realize "YES!"  I don't have to keep asking over and over if it will be okay tomorrow or next week or ten years from now.  I just have to make sure I let my little light shine.

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