Wednesday, November 4, 2009

All You Need is Love, Love is ALL You Need

Day 63 Reading Assignment:
Numbers 2:1-3:51
Mark 11:27-12:17
Psalm 47:1-9
Proverbs 10:24-25

My siblings sometime refer to me as the "Pollyanna" of the family.  This isn't a complement to me, and if you are familiar with the Disney character in her obnoxious ringlets and saccharin sweet philosophies you know why.  For every problem in the community, Pollyanna has a 'the glass is beyond half full' solution.  She has wisdom beyond her years and she is overall...repugnant.  Okay I will confess that I love, love love the movie but enough already with the goody two shoes theme.  I identify more with the cartoon character Maxine.  I don't know if it's the droopy boobs or the floral housedress or her cynical one-liners,  but I know I could be good friends with old Maxine.  But while Maxine's sarcasm and cynicism makes me laugh, it is clear that Pollyanna, the orphaned daughter of missionaries, has gleaned her wisdom and sunny outlook from the Bible.  Pollyanna is thrown into an imbittered community with a cranky old aunt and through loving the unlovable and forcing her "glad-game"(gag) on one and all, she spreads her light...aka: God's love, until the town is made whole again.

I don't mean to keep harping about the movie, "Lord Save Us From Your Followers," but the message is worth risking the redundancy.  It is all about LOVING:...(say it with me) EVERYONE.  I think this is where someone shouts "preach it sistuh!  In Mark a teacher of religious law asked Jesus which of all the commandments was the most important to follow (sorry I skipped ahead a little).  Jesus answered with "Love the Lord your God.... and Love your neighbor as thyself."  Both had to do with LOVE.  What's so important about love?  Jesus said that all the commandments were given for two simple reasons: to help us love God AND OTHERS as we should.

 Someone once told me that God speaks to us through prayer, His Word and through other people.  Lately He seems to be speaking to me through song.  Yesterday I was stuck humming the tune, 'This little Light of Mine."  Today it is the Beatles:

"There's nothing you can know that isn't known.
Nothing you can see that isn't shown.
Nowhere you can be that isn't where your meant to be.
It's easy...(no it isn't)
All you need is is all you need...."

-Love,love,love. Love,love,love. Love, love, love.-
Lennon/McCartney, The Blue Album

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